Schoolhouse Park - Playground Bids

SEALED Bids for the furnishing of the necessary materials and construction of the:
New Playground – Schoolhouse Park
Village of Covington
25 N. Grant St.
Covington, Ohio 45318
Sealed Bids will be received by the Village of Covington at their offices located at 1 South High St. Covington Ohio until 10:00 a.m. on October 21, 2022 and at that time will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The work will consist of the purchasing of new playground equipment, and installation of said equipment and PIP surfacing. Scope of services is defined in the bid specifications. The estimate of probable cost for this project is $168,500.00 for all equipment, freight, installation, and ground surface material and installation as identified in bid specifications.
Estimated construction time: Installed by September 1, 2023. Final completion date may be coordinated with Owner.
All Requests for Information (RFI) and questions must be e-mailed to No telephone calls.  Bid specifications may be downloaded from the Village website here –
All bids must be signed and submitted on copies or originals of the blanks which are bound in the contract
documents. Bids must state the prices in the blanks provided and be enclosed in a sealed envelope
Playground Equipment and Installation, Schoolhouse Park, Covington Ohio.